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Shamanic Ritual Walk

The Shaman serves as a vital bridge between realms, acting as a conduit for divine energy and wisdom. Their role is essential in maintaining harmony between the human world and the spirit world.

A Shamanic Ritual Walk is a sacred journey guided by shamanic principles. It’s a meditative practice designed to connect with one’s inner world. Within a shamanic journey, the shaman connects with his or her spirit guides and travels through different worlds/realms in search of wisdom and healing for the client. As you enjoy the sights and sounds you will also be opening your awareness to messages from your unconscious and Higher Self.

While in this non-physical trance, the shaman may also do either hands-on or hands-off energy work, by channelling energy from the spirit world and moving it throughout the client’s body accordingly.

Key elements of a Shamanic Ritual Walk:

1) Intention: Setting a clear purpose, such as healing, guidance, or connecting with spirit guides.

2) Preparation: Grounding oneself and creating a sacred space before starting.

3) Mindfulness: Paying attention to the senses, observing and allowing insights to emerge.

4) Connection: Interacting, seeking guidance or healing.

5) Integration: Bringing the experiences back into daily life.

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